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Perkins Township is currently seeking a full-time Planner/Zoning Inspector. The complete job description and application can be found HERE

JOB DESCRIPTION:             Planner/Zoning Inspector

Initial Application review will be February 17, 2025

SALARY RANGE:                  Minimum salary of $55,000 per year, with final compensation based on experience and qualifications

DIRECT SUPERVISOR:         Community Development Director


The Planner/Zoning Inspector plays a key role in the administration and operations of Perkins Township. This position reports directly to the Director of Community Development, and in their absence, to the Township Administrator.

The Planner/Zoning Inspector is responsible for a range of duties related to the administration, interpretation, and enforcement of the Perkins Township Zoning Resolution, as well as the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. The individual in this role will make recommendations regarding amendments to the planning and zoning documents. Additionally, they will conduct special studies and research related to the development of the Township’s Plans and Zoning Resolution as needed.

This position also contributes to the Township’s economic development initiatives.

The Planner/Zoning Inspector is responsible for issuing zoning certificates in accordance with the Township’s Zoning Resolution and for the review of site and construction plans for zoning compliance. The role includes conducting field inspections, maintaining detailed records, responding to public inquiries, and investigating complaints and violations of the Zoning Resolution.

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