A Message From Township Administrator Gary Boyle

Welcome to Perkins Township’s Website! – You will find much information concerning the operation of this local government on this website and through its various links.  Perkins Township is organized and operates under the laws of the State of Ohio as well as local resolutions, laws, and policies intended to provide for effective, and responsive governance.  Three elected Trustees form the Board of Township Trustees that adopts laws, policies, and determines spending priorities and financial commitments.  An elected Fiscal Officer is responsible for maintaining records, and providing information on fund appropriations, balances and expenditures.

The Township’s organizational structure includes an Administrator that is responsible for the operations of all Township departments including Police, Fire, Highway, Planning, Zoning, Building and Code Enforcement.  Information related to all of those functions is available on this website, and through Facebook accounts maintained by the Police, Fire and Administrative Departments.

Our Mission Statement embraces...

the philosophy that the Township is committed to providing outstanding services that improve the quality of life and enhance the spirit of those who work, visit, or live in our community. Through this website, it is hoped that you will see that all of the Township’s elected and appointed officials, departments and staff strive daily to live that philosophy and to provide services that significantly contribute to that goal.

Fiscal condition:  Careful fiscal management, and the Township’s conservative approach to both budgeting and control over expenditures, has contributed to our current financial stability.  And through the support of voters in the community have passed property tax levies, funding is available to provide important safety services such as Police and Fire, and to improve our road system.  As a result of significant reductions in transfers from the State of Ohio as well as the State’s elimination of other sources of revenue, the provision of such services would not be possible with those levies.  Your elected and appointed officials appreciate and understand the continued need for prudent fiscal management of the resources provided to the Township by the community.

Economic vitality:  The Township’s key geographic location, the fact that it is the gateway to Cedar Point and Lake Erie and the Islands which are all major tourist destinations, the availability of excellent highway access and a significant supply of vacant, developable land have all contributed to this community’s position as the principal commercial core of Erie County as well as many abutting counties.  As home to over 1,000 businesses, it’s clear to all that the Township is “open for business,” and that national chains and local entrepreneurs see the advantage of doing business in our community.  If you are interested in opening, or expanding a business, please contact our capable staff who can provide information and resources to assist you with your decision-making.

Consumer-focused government:  Every Township Department is comprised of caring, committed staff that sees their role in providing the best service that we can to the community.  All Departments are led by Chiefs and Department Heads that embrace the notion that through our collective efforts, we can provide the excellent level of service that our residents, businesses and visitors not only expect but deserve.  Your elected and appointed officials endeavor to provide staff with the equipment, and training that enables all of our staff to provide the best service that we can to the community.

We intend to continue to provide both in-house and external training opportunities to staff in all Departments in order to ensure that staff is empowered to address the needs of our residents, businesses and visitors.

Community engagement:  Township staff work closely with residents and businesses in addressing their needs and in resolving any service issues that may arise from time-to-time.  Community-building happens every day through our interaction with residents, businesses and visitors.  We are also in regular communication with other local, county and state elected officials and agencies thereby ensuring that our constituents have access to the resources that they may need.  A close relationship also exists with the Perkins School District as we address common areas of interest whether it is recreational opportunities or school safety.

The Township outreach also includes partnering with the Friends of Perkins Township, Compassionate Community, OhGO and Perkins PTO.  Those community-based organizations share a common desire to promote the Township and to address community needs.  Community events include summer movie nights, an annual Founders Day celebration, an Easter Egg Hunt, a charity car show, Trunk ‘n Treat and the holiday season highlighted by the arrival of Santa.

Through this website, Facebook, and other social media the Township attempts to share community information as well as better understand and respond to the needs of residents, businesses and visitors.

Community Safety:  The safety of the public and our staff is always at the fore-front of what we do.  Our Police Department embraces the advantages of “community policing” and has an excellent relationship and regularly coordinates with our other partners in local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies.  Our School Resource Officer program is also seen as crucial in providing a bridge to our students and in ensuring their safety.  Our Fire Department provides outreach training in CPR and first aid to the community as well as to businesses.  In addition, the Township has mutual aid and other agreements that ensure that both Township’s needs in the time of an emergency as well as the needs of other communities in the county are met.  Those Departments not only provide professional safety services to the community, but they also partner directly with the School District in providing ongoing training related to school safety.

The Township will remain vigilant in providing the best safety services that we can, and our strategic focus on the same will not waiver.

In conclusion, thank you for your interest in Perkins Township, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to make the Township the best that it can be!


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Gary Boyle, AICP Township Administrator

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